
Inside every aggressive, destructive, screeching parrot is a sweet bird that wants to love and be loved. The Complete Facebeak Guide to Parrots will help you to find it. This book contains both Facebeak guides: Living with Parrots and Solving Parrot Problems.

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Parrots are the fourth most popular pet worldwide but they’re one of the most re-homed. Why? Well, if you own a parrot you’ll know that they’re super cute little characters with big personalities. But sometimes those big personalities create BIG problems for the humans. Do any of these sound familiar?…

  • your parrot bites you randomly, for no reason

  • you just want your parrot to love you but it is terrified of you

  • your parrot won’t stop screeching

  • your parrot won’t eat vegetables

  • your parrot won’t go back into its cage

  • your parrot chews everything, including your house!

  • your parrot only likes one person and hates everyone else

  • your parrot keeps regurgitating onto things

If any of the above sound familiar, take courage. I can totally sympathise because I’ve been there! I’ve experienced ALL of these problems with my birds. But let me assure you, there are solutions and they are surprisingly simple!

Why am I so confident in saying that?

Well, Vonnegut and Schiele are living proof that these problems can be overcome. But not just Vonnegut and Schiele….

Over the past few years, I’ve been helping fellow bird owners with their bird problems via instagram and facebook direct messages. I explained my techniques and showed them my methods. The result? Well here’s some of the replies I received:

“Now we can approach Benje’s cage and he lets us give him treats and even scratches on the forehead! Your advice worked!” - Benje’s owner

“He stepped onto my hand out of his cage today! First time ever! Thank you so much! You and Vonnie and Schiele were a massive support in this journey” - Vishnu

“From your tips I really understand my parrot’s movements, what she wants, her emotions” - Carly

You see, I realised that while there are many bird training tutorials and youtube videos out there, few of them explain why your bird acts certain ways and why you should do things a certain way. When you understand why, you learn not just how to solve that problem, but every other problem going forward. So I embarked on a 2 year journey to write down everything I knew and had learnt about bird ownership. And The Complete Facebeak Guide to Parrots is the result.


The Complete Facebeak Guide to Parrots contains the complete knowledge that I have gained from over 10 years of living with parrots. It combines the advice I received from avian vets, the information I learnt from reading countless animal behaviour books and everything Vonnegut and Schiele have taught me along the way. Some topics it covers are:

  1. Why 99% of bird owners are feeding their birds the wrong diet and what you should be feeding them instead

  2. Why having a feeding routine is essential for motivating your parrot to train and go in and out of it’s cage with ease

  3. How changing your bird’s cages, perches and toys will make a huge difference to their behaviour

  4. Whether you should clip your birds wings or not

  5. Why you will most likely need more than one bird

  6. How to solve undesirable behaviours such as fear, biting, feather plucking, screeching and chewing the house


The guide will help two groups of people:

  1. Those that have a young bird or are about to buy a bird. When birds are young, they’re easy pets! But if you don’t do things the right way, once your bird reaches maturity problems will arise (like screeching, aggression, separation anxiety, feather plucking and obsessive compulsive eating or chronic egg laying to name a few). I’ve recorded these problems and the solutions I’ve successfully used so you can prevent them happening to your beloved pet.

  2. Those that are already experiencing problems with their bird. Perhaps you just want your bird to love you but it’s terrified of you. Or perhaps your bird bites. Boy oh boy have I faced some problems with my two birds. But take courage. This guide will help you to identify the cause of the problem and the best way to solve it, for your particular situation.


With over 10 years of parrot ownership on my side, I’ve not only seen a lot, I’ve experienced a lot. And even though I may be a little bit more of a “crazy bird lady” than most, these techniques will work for anyone who’s willing to put in the effort. I know this because they’ve already worked for many of the @facebeak fans:

“he is so comfortable in my hand and he’s even learned a couple tricks! We wouldn’t have gotten to this point had it not been for your awesome guide. Thank you thank you thank you!” - instagram message

“I am a first time parrot owner and I really wanted to give my boy the best start that I could!….I would highly recommend the ebook, I refer to it often” - Erin

The truth is, you can all have a bird like Vonnegut, who wakes you up with soft kisses and gentle tugs at your eyelashes, who squeals with delight when you blow raspberries on its tummy. You can all have a bird like Schiele, who waddles up to you and snuggles into your neck, who quietly sings to you for scritches. Inside every aggressive, destructive, screeching parrot is a sweet bird that wants to love and be loved. The Complete Facebeak Guide to Parrots will help you to find it.

Upon purchasing the ebook, you’ll receive a download link that is valid for 24hrs (you will need to download the link within 24 hours of making the purchase). The link contains a zip file of the digital formats of the book:

  • an .epub file (suitable for apple and android devices with the free Apple ibooks App)

  • and a .mobi file (suitable for your desktop or kindle devices with the free Kindle Reading App).

The file is 148.9MB